Support After Abortion

Every person’s experience with abortion is as unique as they are. While most women say they felt relief immediately following their abortion, some struggled with regret and grief.

As weeks, months, or even years went by, some who felt relief began to feel a sense of loss and deep sadness. After an abortion, women have reported feeling shame, denial, numbness, anger, anxiety, and depression. Do any of those thoughts seem familiar to you?

Are Mental Health Problems From Abortion Real?

Your emotions and struggles are genuine. You do not have to hide from them. One study concluded the following about the mental health effects of abortion:

  • Abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion.
  • The abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women.
  • There are risk factors, such as pre-existing mental illness, that identify women at greatest risk of mental health problems after an abortion.

As you can see, some women do struggle with their abortion decisions. You are not alone.

How Can Pregnancy Resources Help Me?

We are here to provide support and care after your abortion experience. Everything is confidential. No one will be notified that you have contacted us.

If you prefer, we can even assist you in finding support outside our local area. Your privacy is important to us. As always, all of our services are free of charge.

You can meet one-on-one with someone who is trained to support women and men who have been affected by abortion. You are free to share as much or as little as you like. Often, giving a voice to your abortion experience can heal the pain and change the way you view your decision.

Contact us if you are ready to find healing and hope for a brighter tomorrow. We are here to help you.
