Maybe you are anxiously waiting for your period and wondering whether or not you could be pregnant. While you may need to wait a little before you take a pregnancy test, it’s possible to notice early pregnancy signs and symptoms.

Keep reading to learn of some of the early pregnancy signs and symptoms.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

1. Nausea with or without Vomiting

If you have a feeling of nausea for no apparent reason, that could be a pregnancy symptom. Also known as “morning sickness,” nausea can happen at any time of day or night. It can range from subtle to severe, and some women do not experience this symptom at all.

2. Tender, Swollen Breasts

Your breasts may feel tender, sore, or swollen, similar to how they may feel right before a period. However, during pregnancy, you may also notice some breast changes, such as darkening or enlarging of the areolas (the area around the nipples).

3. Increased Urination

Maybe you are finding yourself looking for a restroom way more often. Pregnancy increases your blood volume, leading to your kidneys filtering more blood and causing more urine in your bladder. 

4. Fatigue

Do you feel exhausted, but you haven’t done much today? While no one knows the exact cause of fatigue, the rise in the pregnancy hormone progesterone during early pregnancy could be to blame.

5. Bloating

The hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause you to experience bloating, similar to bloating during a monthly period.

6. Food Aversions

Does the smell of coffee no longer smell right? Maybe the thought of vegetables or certain foods just doesn’t appeal to you at all. Due to hormones, you can become more sensitive to certain odors, and your sense of taste can change.

7. Missed Period

After you become pregnant, your body releases hormones to stop ovulation and menstruation. Missing your period is the most apparent sign that you might be pregnant. 

Once you miss your period, it’s time to take a pregnancy test. If you’re unsure whether or not you have missed due to an irregular period, try counting 36 days from the first day of your last period or four weeks after sex to test. 

Other Signs and Symptoms

In addition to the seven signs and symptoms listed above, you may also experience spotting, nasal congestion, cramping, and moodiness. 

Visit Pregnancy Resources of Delaware County

If you’re wondering whether you’re pregnant, schedule a free and confidential appointment at Pregnancy Resources of Delaware County. We can provide free pregnancy testing and a limited ultrasound, so you can find out for sure.

Why wonder any longer? Schedule an appointment today. We can help.
